Sunday, April 27, 2008

Ron Paul's "The Revolution: A Manifesto" videos

Ron Paul's new book The Revolution: A Manifesto will be in bookstores from April 30. His supporters have already created videos to promote the book. Here are a couple.

Hans J. Lysglimt doing a short promotional:

Another person receives his audio version of the book, opens it and listens to some of it:

Sunday, April 6, 2008

"Against All Odds: The Ron Paul Revolution" - Interview with author

Against All Odds: The Ron Paul Revolution is a new book about the "astonishing groundswell of grassroot support", among other things. I interviewed J M Richardson, the author.

Tell me a little bit about yourself
I'm a former newspaper editor and publisher who lives in the northwestern United States with my husband, three massive dogs and one very old cat.

How did you come to know about Ron Paul?
I've known about Ron Paul for a number of years; I'm not sure exactly where I first learned about him, but I made a point to learn more because it was clear he was a lone Congressman standing for Constitutional rights and principles. I was surprised and pleased when he announced his candidacy for president.

What is this book about?
The book is about the astonishing groundswell of grassroot support for a little-known candidate (and the obstacles these supporters faced); Ron Paul's take on major issues facing America; the media's rejection of him; and the possible future of the revolution he began. Appendices include Ron Paul's speeches "A Republic, If You Can Keep It," and "Neo-CONNED!"

Do you foresee mainstream media giving more equitable coverage to "long shot" candidates like Ron Paul in the future, instead of going by name recognition and ratings?
No. Major media conglomerates in the United States are owned by people whom Ron Paul has exposed for years (by name, in some cases) as globalists and neo-cons. They certainly are not going to give much coverage to candidates whose views directly oppose their own.
Moreover, Ron Paul was only a "long-shot candidate" because the media declared from the outset that he was one, and convinced the populace that he could not be elected. By any normal standard of measure (years in Congress, funds raised, grassroot support, etc.), a candidate of his stature would hardly be declared a "long shot."

Lastly, can you quote a sample paragraph from this book to help get an idea of its tone and style?
Sure. This is from the end of the book, discussing the potential future of Ron Paul's revolution (in which his supporters have been motivated to run for political office, re-shape the Republican Party, etc.):

"What originally took the form of one man’s campaign to be president may turn into a vibrant movement for change in America – a change back to its founding ideals as epitomized in its Constitution. Time will tell. Will these political neophytes get elected? Can they influence the course of deeply entrenched political parties? Affect local and state politics?
    The enthusiasm is high and so are the odds – against them. But the end of the Ron Paul Revolution is not yet in sight. Planted by Congressman Ron Paul and watered by his disciples, it may be just beginning to blossom."

Anything else you want to tell prospective readers of this book?
Yes. This book is directed toward people who are generally unfamiliar with Congressman Paul and his candidacy. I hope it will sway some readers (in states that have not yet had their primaries) to vote for him. Beyond that, if it serves to enlighten and motivate more good people to get involved in politics, I'll consider it a success.
* * *

You can order the book on Amazon.