Saturday, December 22, 2007

FAQ about this blog and myself

  • Who are you?
    I am Pramod Biligiri. I am 26 years old and I work as a developer in ThoughtWorks. From 2004-07, I was at Applibase Software

  • Where are you?
    I am from Bangalore, India and been here all my life

  • Why are you writing about Ron Paul?
    I'm greatly fascinated by the grassroots political movement around him. His supporters are doing amazing things like the Tea Party, blimp etc which are fun to watch. It's also a significant moment for the Internet and mainstream media

  • Do you support Ron Paul?
    Not necessarily. In any case this blog is for the grassroots movement. I have no interest in taking sides in America's internal politics

  • How did you hear about Ron Paul?
    From Reddit, in May '07. Here is my first blog entry about him

  • What are your political views?
    I like the libertarian "live and let live" view on social issues. But I'm far from deciding whether government ought to be progressive, conservative or libertarian. I sometimes write about these issues on my LiveJournal blog

  • Anything else?
    You tell me! Put a comment here or mail me at pramodbiligiri AT I love getting feedback.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Pramod!

Thanks for commenting on my article about Ron Paul supporters' comments. :) I hope you'll also read some of my other articles at

I enjoyed very much reading your collection of Paul supporters' comments, thanks for compiling it! :)