Thursday, December 6, 2007

Vijay Boyapati's Ron Paul effort in New Hampshire is on!

Operation Live Free or Die (blog), the brainchild of ex-Googler Vijay Boyapati is well and truly on in New Hampshire! Supporters are arriving from all over USA, braving the snow and chill to spread the word. More in a video below.

But first here's an interview with Vijay Boyapati himself, "amazingly jet-lagged" but looking quite excited. He first saw Ron Paul during the 1st Republican debate and couldn't believe "someone like him existed in Congress".

Here's a reporter talking to 2 supporters from Arizona and Kentucky (watch from 1:08)

Ron Paul himself gave a surprise visit to the pub where many were assembled and spoke a few words standing on a chair(!), ending with: "You are the campaign. I have joined the revolution. Thank you for having me." (video)

The mainstream media seems to be catching on. Washington Post has a detailed article. Interestingly, the owner of that pub came up with many insights on what they are doing wrong in NH, along with suggestions for improvement: How to Raise Poll Numbers in NH.

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