Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Ron Paul Word of Mouth Stories - 2

More Ron Paul word-of-mouth stories (see Part 1):

  • My brother called me yesterday and, after seeing the article on the WSJ about Ron Paul and reading all of the comments, said to me "Tell me about this Ron Paul guy."

    I wasn't expecting this at all... My brother is a self-described bleeding heart liberal Democrat. We talked about Ron Paul and his ideas for a while. He couldn't believe the passion that the people commenting had. I explained to him that the underlying emotions people had were fear and excitement. Fear of losing Liberty and excitement because finally someone has come along who will help.

    He told me after reading through the comments he was beginning to like the guy and understand his viewpoints. He said that it would require "looking at things through a different prism", but he said he was willing to do that.

    I sent him to ronpaullibrary.org. People, if my brother can be converted, ANYONE can be converted. (link)

  • We were brought to tears when my husband's post started getting all of the wonderful comments. He has never done anything like this before.

    I have been following the Ron Paul campaign since our daughter (who is in her 1st year at college) first told us about him and we watched some of his first videos on youtube.

    We are all sold on Dr. Paul. Actually my husband has been telling his other family members about Dr. Paul too. Several of them have also jumped on the band wagon! (link)

  • I am a spouse of an active duty Army Soldier. All the Soldiers my husband works with, and he is now in Iraq, are supporters of Ron Paul. Some of them have been there 3 or 4 times now. He is the ONLY candidate that I have ever sent money to or spoke of to anyone else ever! I WAS a registered Democrat. I have mailed my change of party card so I can submit my vote for him, as did my husband.(link)

  • Ron did very very well. I emailed all my family, friends etc… about an hour ahead of the debate to tell them to watch. My wife is now interested in switching to Ron Paul support and so is her boss. This is a GREAT feat, both wanted to vote Democrat (link)

  • My husband tried to convince me to vote Ron Paul, and it worked! He answered my questions by pointing me to the website and other places and let me discover Ron Paul for myself. I had been undecided, (but leaning towards Duncan Hunter), but the Values Voter debate was what clinched it for me. I believe that Ron Paul has the position that most reflects Jesus’. (link)

  • My parents may know of Guilliani, Romney, Obama, and Clinton, certainly, but don’t take the time to further investigate because I suppose they’d only expect to find more unimpressive candidates. I was forunate enough to have a friend who continually talked with me about Ron Paul. I am very critical, so it took me some time to really get interested - about 2 months, actually (link)

  • So my fiance comes back from the store and she says 'I was driving down our road and you know that older woman that lives in the white house?' I was like yup. She was waving me down so I pulled over and she told me that she heard about Ron Paul on the TV and she is going to be voting for him!
    The older woman must have noticed our Ron Paul signs on our car. We are going to see if she wants a lawn sign. (link)

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