Saturday, January 5, 2008

Ron Paul's Iowa grassroots efforts

Here's some examples of young volunteers campaigning for Ron Paul in Iowa, in the cold and during the holidays!

From an article in The New Republic:
- "Hundreds of young volunteers, who have traveled to Iowa on their own dime to knock on doors and make pleading phone calls"

- "Actually, if the candidates were judged by the quality of their young supporters, I would now be voting for Ron Paul. Beyond just being polite, the Paul volunteers have an incredible passion for the technical mechanics of the American constitution and body of laws. As I spend time with them, I start to think: I wouldn't want a repairman working on my car who didn't know how it was put together, so why not the same with people who work on my government? (Assuming, that is, that the Paul adults mirror the Paul youth.)"

- "Also, scrambling my assumption that his volunteers would all be computer geeks, most are history or economics majors..."

- "MATTHEW TREVATHAN, WITTENBERG UNIVERSITY, HISTORY MAJOR: McCain's comment about [how Paul's brand of isolationism got us into] World War II set me off! I think I'm going to write my senior thesis about it. Nobody understands why we got into World War II.

DAN SELSAM, WESLEYAN, HISTORY MAJOR: I want to write my thesis on Dr. Paul, too.

JOE HILLS, VANDERBILT, AMERICAN HISTORY MAJOR: I feel like it's because nobody understands World War I properly. I want to write a serious graphic history of World War I.


Even the Washington Post describes this "Ron Paul Christmas Vacation" program.

You can read a first person account from a Students for Ron Paul in Iowa blogger who was there since Dec 14th. Some excerpts:

- "Well, the 275 people are now here. What a rush. We had a rally tonight with Ron Paul at the Des Moines room of the downtown Marriott. It was a blast - 300 students screaming and hooting and hollering."

- "Nothing in my life could prepare me for just how cold Iowa is during December. A frigid sixteen degrees, which is obscene in a place like Oregon, seems to be the norm for Iowa this time of year."

- "The goal of the student effort here, in which over three-hundred students will have been a part of by the time the caucuses, is to touch half a million registered voters. Fourteen hour days for nine days in a row is the plan - dawn to dusk canvassing, and phone banking before sleep. We are the final hope for the Paul campaign in Iowa."

- "Fourteen hour day, doing menial labor at the campaign office - and the best thing is it didn't even really feel like work. Hanging out with great, like-minded people is truly an amazing thing. I am so happy here that I never want to go home."

- "Did some phone banking today, and actually called an ex-professor of economics who taught at University of Wisconsin and was running for the House in his district in Southern Iowa as a "Ron Paul Republican","

- "One thing I can't state enough is exactly just how impressive our organization is here on the ground. The Huckabee offices, which share our office space, have maybe five or six full time staffers in the office all the time, whereas we have a slew of staffers of volunteers that number easily 20, not counting the huge amounts of students throughout the state and in the office spreading the good word of Dr. Paul."

- "I spent about 8 hours today working on the camp assignments for Ron Paul's CHristmas Vacation session 2. It's gonna be a blast, 256 students have RSVP'd,"

- "267 students from 48 states and a number of countries are descending upon Iowa today. I've spent the 4 days working on their camp assignments,"

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