Saturday, December 29, 2007

Ron Paul excluded from FOX News New Hampshire debate

Supporters of Ron Paul are protesting FOX News' decision to exclude him from the Jan 6th Republican debate in New Hampshire after Paul's official site put up a terse press release. Update: Ron Paul's reaction. [See the sub-forum for this on Ron Paul Forums]

I'm hoping there has been some miscommunication/technical error and Fox will quickly clarify things. But supporters are not taking any chances. Fox is probably flooded with hundreds of phone calls and 1000's of emails by now. See this reddit thread which lists all the contact info. Sponsors Of Fox are also being contacted, their products threatened to be boycotted. After all, these are the people who launched after a CNN host allegedly made some unfunny jokes about Ron Paul supporters.

Fox is often criticized for their bias towards the Republican Party establishment. Democratic Party leaders have publicly wondered whether they ought to appear on Fox hosted debates. Even a casual observer like me can't watch their below piece on Iran and wonder whether they have a sense of balance.

I've repeatedly said the media is under the microscope for Ron Paul supporters.Lew Rockwell wrote last week:..those who smear Ron Paul will live to regret it, as their own readers and advertisers shun them. MSM, here are the new rules: no lying, no ridiculing, no suppressing. Remember "journalistic ethics"? You really have no choice. The Internet rules. "You'd better start swimmin', or you'll sink like a stone, 'cause the times they are a-changin'."

Unfortunately, all this comes around the same time that the US Government further relaxed media ownership regulations.

The market has already been responding. Apart from specific stations like Ron Paul Radio and Ron Paul Revolution radio, there are sites like FreeMindsTV . The Liberty TV channel discussed on the Ron Paul Forums has moved from conception to planning stage. Each of these might be as biased as the MSM, but the Internet should allow for a more even playing field.

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