Thursday, December 20, 2007

Ron Paul supporters on Giuliani, Romney's events

Below are 2 videos of Ron Paul supporters turning up at campaign trail events for Giuliani and Romney, partly to get some extra media coverage and also due to their enthusiasm I guess.

This one is hilarious:

Michigan might be where Romney was "born and raised", but is currently strongly for Ron Paul if the below video is anything to go by.

And of course who can forget this snippet of Ron Paul banners in the background of a Democratic debate event as 2 TV analysts get ready to talk about it.


rain said...

hey!go to the blog at if you dont already know about it..also vote for ron paul at and help him win in india!currently obama is winning with 82 votes and ron paul has 75..

Pramod Biligiri said...

Oh yeah Lew Rockwell rocks. I read him regularly. And I remember voting at I'm suprised that Obama is leading.