Thursday, January 31, 2008

Ron Paul Newspaper on Feb 5th

A Ron Paul Newspaper could be on the doorstep of a million Americans just before Super Tuesday, if Crystal Boyles of Alabama succeeds in his effort. He has designed a 4-page newspaper outlining Paul's positions and plans to put it in as many driveways as he can. That's a commendable idea considering he's just 22 years of age!

Some pics of the paper:

Over at his site he is asking for donations and volunteers to print out and paper and distribute it wherever they live.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Ron Paul Wedding Anniversary money bomb on Feb 1st?

There just might be a money bomb on Feb 1st, the wedding anniversary of Ron and Carol Paul. Someone suggested this on DailyPaul and many people expressed their enthusiasm in the comments section. It helped that there was this beautiful video made for the occasion.

Since it is their 51st year together, some want to donate $51, and others, $102!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Ron Paul Word of Mouth Stories - 2

More Ron Paul word-of-mouth stories (see Part 1):

  • My brother called me yesterday and, after seeing the article on the WSJ about Ron Paul and reading all of the comments, said to me "Tell me about this Ron Paul guy."

    I wasn't expecting this at all... My brother is a self-described bleeding heart liberal Democrat. We talked about Ron Paul and his ideas for a while. He couldn't believe the passion that the people commenting had. I explained to him that the underlying emotions people had were fear and excitement. Fear of losing Liberty and excitement because finally someone has come along who will help.

    He told me after reading through the comments he was beginning to like the guy and understand his viewpoints. He said that it would require "looking at things through a different prism", but he said he was willing to do that.

    I sent him to People, if my brother can be converted, ANYONE can be converted. (link)

  • We were brought to tears when my husband's post started getting all of the wonderful comments. He has never done anything like this before.

    I have been following the Ron Paul campaign since our daughter (who is in her 1st year at college) first told us about him and we watched some of his first videos on youtube.

    We are all sold on Dr. Paul. Actually my husband has been telling his other family members about Dr. Paul too. Several of them have also jumped on the band wagon! (link)

  • I am a spouse of an active duty Army Soldier. All the Soldiers my husband works with, and he is now in Iraq, are supporters of Ron Paul. Some of them have been there 3 or 4 times now. He is the ONLY candidate that I have ever sent money to or spoke of to anyone else ever! I WAS a registered Democrat. I have mailed my change of party card so I can submit my vote for him, as did my husband.(link)

  • Ron did very very well. I emailed all my family, friends etc… about an hour ahead of the debate to tell them to watch. My wife is now interested in switching to Ron Paul support and so is her boss. This is a GREAT feat, both wanted to vote Democrat (link)

  • My husband tried to convince me to vote Ron Paul, and it worked! He answered my questions by pointing me to the website and other places and let me discover Ron Paul for myself. I had been undecided, (but leaning towards Duncan Hunter), but the Values Voter debate was what clinched it for me. I believe that Ron Paul has the position that most reflects Jesus’. (link)

  • My parents may know of Guilliani, Romney, Obama, and Clinton, certainly, but don’t take the time to further investigate because I suppose they’d only expect to find more unimpressive candidates. I was forunate enough to have a friend who continually talked with me about Ron Paul. I am very critical, so it took me some time to really get interested - about 2 months, actually (link)

  • So my fiance comes back from the store and she says 'I was driving down our road and you know that older woman that lives in the white house?' I was like yup. She was waving me down so I pulled over and she told me that she heard about Ron Paul on the TV and she is going to be voting for him!
    The older woman must have noticed our Ron Paul signs on our car. We are going to see if she wants a lawn sign. (link)

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Ron Paul inspires people to run for office

[Update: My new post on more Ron Paul inspired candidates]

Is Ron Paul motivating people to run for office in their own Congressional districts? Looks like it. is one site that started the idea. Now many people on the Forums are announcing the same intention in this thread called: It doesn't stop with Ron Paul (RUN FOR OFFICE YOURSELF!).

Some quotes:
- "I think I'll run for Representative of District 1 in Florida, especially after finding out that my rep voted for the thought crime bill."

- "I'm a huge Ron Paul fan from down here in Texas. I got the opportunity to meet him at a fundraiser at Blinn College and at the Texas Straw Poll. He actually inspired me to run for office and I am currently seeking United States House of Representatives District 10 in Texas as a libertarian. We have websites set up at and"

- "I live in Texas' 10th District. I was thinking about running in 2010 on the Republican ticket. Hopefully we can bounce some ideas off each other."

Lew Rockwell's blog is already highlighting candidates endorsed by Ron Paul or touting ideas similar to his. Examples:
Murray Sabrin for Senate is NJ, Dave Ryon for the House in Ohio, B J Lawson in NC.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Ron Paul Precinct Leaders - recruiting the grassroots

Ron Paul has launched a grassroots section on his campaign site. He is asking his innumerable enthusiasts to sign up as "Precinct Leaders" for their respective areas. A Precinct Leader will be given all the campaign info related to that particular area and he can use this to do door-to-door canvassing.

This is a step up from all the sign waving and blogging that his supporters love doing. An organised "Get Out The Vote" effort to make sure every person sympathizing with Ron Paul's ideas is identified and encouraged to make a difference on Primary day.

Here is one precinct leader talking about what it means (skip to 6m:40s for some real action):

The Ron Paul Orlando meetup group gets ready to canvass:

Knocking on strangers' door is obviously not everyone's cup of tea, esp. when you are selling a political message. There's one thread on the Ron Paul Forums about how shy people can be precinct leaders too.

So has this idea been effective? Well, here's what Stephanie from CA has to say (from the official site):
"The value of going door to door cannot be overstated. We call it 'waking up a neighborhood'. Many people of all stripes are on the fence, we find very few deeply committed to any candidate. I know we are making a difference."

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Push Ups for Ron Paul

Kenny Roy, a Ron Paul supporter from Los Angeles has pledged to do a push up for every 5 people that you can get to support Ron Paul. His effort has already resulted in 430 new votes for Ron Paul according to the stats on his site:

Of course, every push up is YouTubed, or it didn't happen ;)

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Ron Paul Las Vegas March - PaulaPalooza

The Las Vegas march and events to support Ron Paul went well, gauging from the Web. The idea seemed like a hit as soon as it was brought up on DailyPaul.

Below is a long march for Ron Paul:

A more leisurely video with some understated brilliance:

I hadn't seen this Las Vegas Tea Party video before!

The Las Vegas Sun newspaper says Ron Paul is expected to do well in Nevada.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Ron Paul Limo rolls on in Florida

A loooong limousine all decked up in Ron Paul stickers goes for a spin on the roads of Tampa, Florida. Looking at the excitement of these supporters and others they meet on the drive, it's clear that Paul has now reached iconic status. More about this car at Ron Paul Limo.

Ron Paul meets his Limo!

Last month I came across another Ron Paul car, courtesy

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

What Ron Paul's New Hampshire result means

That Ron Paul came 5th in NH shouldn't deject supporters. His message and the incredible grassroots have had an impact way beyond poll numbers (this blog is just one proof of that). Even rival candidate Huckabee is reportedly copying Ron Paul's major talking points. My own dismay on seeing an indifferent USA re-elect Bush in 2004 has turned to awe as I watched a passionate, principled American citizenry emerge out of the woodworks over the last few months. Which other campaign supporters can boast of cheers from New Zealand, Paris, Dubai, Belgium...?

Ron Paul is no stranger to setbacks. Countless times he's voted all by himself on resolutions. Even people who don't agree with his stances will commend his ability to stick to his principles. Check out the below video from 1987 where a more youthful Paul says much of the same things as in the current campaign!

As someone commented recently, Ron Paul never loses a supporter. More the people who hear him, more his support. If you look at Paul's own life, he never loses faith. Perhaps that's why this movement has created touching scenes like the below New Hampshire video.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Ron Paul to hold parallel NH rally, C-SPAN to air it live

Ron Paul is holding his own rally in the Town Hall in Manchester, New Hampshire at 5 PM EST (link). C-SPAN will have it live. The campaign will stream it on their site too.

Paul supporters are planning to throng both the Fox News forum and his own rally. Let's wait and see.

At 7 PM Eastern, CNN is doing a repeat telecast of the ABC forum which included Ron Paul (link). It's an excellent, involved discussion.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

The FOX boycott story gets bigger

The New Hampshire division of the Republican party withdrew their partnership from (I guess by that they mean any kind of association or endorsement of) Sunday's forum programme. Their press release underlines the reasoning behind having the first primaries in small states:

"Only in New Hampshire do lesser known, lesser funded underdogs have a fighting chance to establish themselves as national figures. Consistent with that tradition, we believe all recognized major candidates should have an equal opportunity to participate in pre-primary debates and forums....While we understand that Fox News continues to move forward it is with regret, the New Hampshire Republican Party hereby withdraws as a partner in this forum."

Some Fox news anchors discussed whether Ron Paul should be included. CNN took up the topic too (after all, they're the competition). Btw, Fox's official reason is that they want to narrow down the list of candidates to those above 10% in national polls. It's a small table on a bus or something and there's not more space too. Meanwhile PBS aired an excellent interview with Paul.

Ron Paul's Iowa grassroots efforts

Here's some examples of young volunteers campaigning for Ron Paul in Iowa, in the cold and during the holidays!

From an article in The New Republic:
- "Hundreds of young volunteers, who have traveled to Iowa on their own dime to knock on doors and make pleading phone calls"

- "Actually, if the candidates were judged by the quality of their young supporters, I would now be voting for Ron Paul. Beyond just being polite, the Paul volunteers have an incredible passion for the technical mechanics of the American constitution and body of laws. As I spend time with them, I start to think: I wouldn't want a repairman working on my car who didn't know how it was put together, so why not the same with people who work on my government? (Assuming, that is, that the Paul adults mirror the Paul youth.)"

- "Also, scrambling my assumption that his volunteers would all be computer geeks, most are history or economics majors..."

- "MATTHEW TREVATHAN, WITTENBERG UNIVERSITY, HISTORY MAJOR: McCain's comment about [how Paul's brand of isolationism got us into] World War II set me off! I think I'm going to write my senior thesis about it. Nobody understands why we got into World War II.

DAN SELSAM, WESLEYAN, HISTORY MAJOR: I want to write my thesis on Dr. Paul, too.

JOE HILLS, VANDERBILT, AMERICAN HISTORY MAJOR: I feel like it's because nobody understands World War I properly. I want to write a serious graphic history of World War I.


Even the Washington Post describes this "Ron Paul Christmas Vacation" program.

You can read a first person account from a Students for Ron Paul in Iowa blogger who was there since Dec 14th. Some excerpts:

- "Well, the 275 people are now here. What a rush. We had a rally tonight with Ron Paul at the Des Moines room of the downtown Marriott. It was a blast - 300 students screaming and hooting and hollering."

- "Nothing in my life could prepare me for just how cold Iowa is during December. A frigid sixteen degrees, which is obscene in a place like Oregon, seems to be the norm for Iowa this time of year."

- "The goal of the student effort here, in which over three-hundred students will have been a part of by the time the caucuses, is to touch half a million registered voters. Fourteen hour days for nine days in a row is the plan - dawn to dusk canvassing, and phone banking before sleep. We are the final hope for the Paul campaign in Iowa."

- "Fourteen hour day, doing menial labor at the campaign office - and the best thing is it didn't even really feel like work. Hanging out with great, like-minded people is truly an amazing thing. I am so happy here that I never want to go home."

- "Did some phone banking today, and actually called an ex-professor of economics who taught at University of Wisconsin and was running for the House in his district in Southern Iowa as a "Ron Paul Republican","

- "One thing I can't state enough is exactly just how impressive our organization is here on the ground. The Huckabee offices, which share our office space, have maybe five or six full time staffers in the office all the time, whereas we have a slew of staffers of volunteers that number easily 20, not counting the huge amounts of students throughout the state and in the office spreading the good word of Dr. Paul."

- "I spent about 8 hours today working on the camp assignments for Ron Paul's CHristmas Vacation session 2. It's gonna be a blast, 256 students have RSVP'd,"

- "267 students from 48 states and a number of countries are descending upon Iowa today. I've spent the 4 days working on their camp assignments,"

Thursday, January 3, 2008

New Ron Paul websites popping up all over

I've come across so many new Ron Paul sites in the last few days that I'm barely able to keep up. Here's a quick list, more detailed reviews perhaps some other day.

  • Ron Paul Explorer ( - Calls itself the "All Paul Search Engine". From a quick read it seems that the creator is indexing high profile Ron Paul sites

  • Ron Paul Air Corps ( - You can pay towards planes which fly with Ron Paul banners

  • Ron Paul Tunes ( - An effort to catalogue all the Ron Paul songs

  • Run With Ron ( - Encouraging Ron Paul supporters to run for Congress in their districts

  • Ron Paul Nation ( - An older site which has most good videos uploaded

  • Truckers 4 Ron Paul ( - Read about why and how some truckers are supporting Ron Paul

  • Ron Paul Billboards ( - Focussed on putting Ron Paul billboards all over the country

And a "shout out" to old favourite Ron Paul Revolution Radio which (along with Ron Paul Radio) has been covering events live and hosting fairly high quality discussions.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

NewsCorp stock price dips as Ron Paul supporters dump it?

Ron Paul supporters are dumping NewsCorp stock in protest of FOX News excluding him from the New Hampshire debate. Is the recent dip in their share price because of that? Hard to tell...

The forum on Google Finance has people discussing it. The relevant Ron Paul forum has threads on everything from major sponsors, major shareholders, all local affiliates etc. I guess there must be hundreds of emails going around right now! ;)

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Ron Paul "12 Days of Christmas" song by Clearwater, Florida residents

Here's the 12 Days of Christmas song changed to fit Ron Paul's campaign positions, sung with touching candour by some Clearwater, FL residents.

These are the 12 gifts Ron Paul would give:
  1. A return to sweet liberty
  2. No more income tax
  3. No foreign wars
  4. No IRS
  5. Peace in Iraq
  6. Return of habeas corpus
  7. The US Constitution
  8. Dollars backed by Gold
  9. End of Real ID
  10. No more New World Order
  11. End of FDA
  12. Freedom on the Internet

P.S: There's a hilarious Indian version of this carol!