Sunday, February 10, 2008

Ron Paul supporters effect change in Alaska

Ron Paul enjoys strong support in Alaska (he came 2nd there). But the natural enthusiasm of his supporters has kept the momentum going even after the primaries. During the district level GOP convention there, at least one district passed sweeping changes to the platform in line with Paul's positions (link).


  • There was a section in the platform that said the Republican Party of Alaska opposes any sort of gaming (gambling) in the state on the basis that it is harmful to families and communities. I proposed striking that out entirely, from the standpoint of personal and economic liberty, and after huge debate and three recounts my movement PASSED by ONE VOTE!

  • Another Ron Paul supporter proposed striking out and replacing a section that said something to the effect of: "The Republican Party of Alaska supports the aggressive world wide war on terror and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan." The replacement that PASSED read something like: "We will not support military intervention in a foreign country unless a constitutional, congressional declaration of war is made."

  • And perhaps the craziest win of the day, in my opinion, was when we passed a movement to change the party platform to read that we, as Republicans, support the legalization of industrial hemp.

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