Sunday, December 30, 2007

Ron Paul's word-of-mouth appeal

[Update: see more Ron Paul word of mouth stories]

Ron Paul's message is more likely to spread by word-of-mouth to friends, relatives and acquaintances. Below are some Ron Paul word-of-mouth stories:
  • Last night I saw a relative by marriage who only just this past summer couldn't repeat the neocon Bush/Hannity talking points fast enough. He bent my ear for hours on the necessity of perpetual war to stave off these 'terrists'. He was completely emotionally invested in the warfare state - and had been for years.
    Now he reads your blog for information on Paul. He can't get enough of the guy! Three months ago, this fellow wouldn't have known what the Federal Reserve was if it hit in the head. Now, he not only knows its history, its destructive role, etc, he knows the members and their biographies! (link)

  • I go to Shippensburg University, and all throughout campus are signs and chalk drawings saying "Google Ron Paul" and "Who Is Ron Paul?" Its some good stuff. (link)

  • My mother was born and raised in France. I showed her this and all of a sudden she wanted to donate to Ron Paul.. another ten bucks for freedom ;) (link)

  • I was out to dinner last night with my wife, and we decided to sit at the bar instead of getting a booth as we always do. It was your typical scene for the week before Christmas, the bar was full, everyone was talking, and the TVs were on showing sports & news.

    And then it happened. The news had a brief spot on the Fed's release yesterday of $20B into the economy. The bartender stopped what he was doing for a moment to listen, and as he turned away to continue working he noticed I had been watching too. He asked me what I though about our economy, and whether or not I thought this meant trouble. Well, that was all it took.

    I told him that I thought anytime the Fed releases more money, it only means more inflation, more debt, and more money transferred to THEM in the long run. Well, much to my surprise, I happened to be sitting next to a retired economics professor. He couldn't resist joining into our conversation, and soon we were all talking about the general state of our economy, how debt is used by the central banks of the world, and how it is the root of most of the problems we face today.

    So as we were talking, I couldn't help but ask who the bartender and the economics professor were supporting in the Presidential race. Neither had made a clear decision, so that's when I suggested that they have a serious look at Dr. Paul.

    We talked for a good while longer about his positions on various issues, his voting record, examples of his personal character. It was extremely positive, and as we parted ways, they agreed that they would have to have a good lok at the man we all know is the right man for the job (link)

  • my fiance was at 3rd street prominade when the supporters were out in full force. she managed to get her two friends (hillary supporters - just because she's a woman) to pick up flyers and become interested in ron paul. seems like we may get 1 or 2 more supporters there :) (link)

  • Yesterday another Ron Paul supporter and I were canvassing a apartment complex here in Utah. He is a recently returned LDS missionary and very use to the door to door thing. As we were going from building to building we came across a couple people at a moving van. We offered to help carry up a couple boxes for them. While taking the final boxes up we gave them the Ron Paul speech and they were excited and impressed. They were also amazed with our dedication to be out in the twenty degree weather just to tell others of Ron Paul.

    Once in the apartment there were a few others, the two we had come up with instantly started telling them about Ron Paul. Well we left our flyers and moved on. About 15 mins later one of them comes calling for us to help with a mattress, so we of course did. After getting the mattress upstairs ( 3 floors ) We went outside and they then brought us to a car of a few more people, and now told them of our mission, and of our man.

    Next thing we know we are having 6 people fill out voter registrations ON THE SPOT! (link)

  • I found out this week, an old friend of mine whom I havent seen in 7 years, is an all out Ron Paul supporter like me. I'm a meetup group organizer, and he's going to New Hampshire to do door to door campaigning for Ron Paul. I am blown away. (link)

  • WOW! I just saw an old friend of mine back from GRADE SCHOOL's name pop up on the donation widget! Unless there was more than one person with the same name from the same town and the same state, that has to be the same guy I knew almost 10 years ago. To think, we're now both Ron Paul supporters...I need to get in touch with him (link)

  • Anyone who has met me in the last 5 months must think I own nothing else but RP shirts! (link)

  • you people. i tell you this is the most epic grassroots effort ever. i SHOULD say it's over the top and a bit excessive, but i love it. i simply love it! (link)

  • I went with my mom to a doctor appt today, and took 2 of the new 12 page brochures with me (along with some other lit) to leave in the waiting room. I left them on the two tables, then went to put slim jims in the mag/lit rack on the back of the door... and there were already slim jims there! And not from us! (link)

  • Well. I went for groceries and when I got to the counter the lady, Sylvia, started loudly announcing to the store.."Ron Paul for President ya all! .. Ron Paul for President". She did this four times while I was there.. everybody was smiling and a few were nodding. (link)

  • I just wanted to give a short and inspiring story:

    I introduced one co-worker to RP around the first debate. He has been planning on voting for RP ever since. He hasn't been particularly active in his support, but he wants to make a difference on Dec 16 and make his first donation (yay!) (link)

  • And one of the employees there noticed my RP button and exclaimed, "I saw him on the View! I'd vote for him!" So, I reached into my supply of RP buttons and handed one over. It was received with bright eyes, a warm smile and a promise to wear it everywhere with pride. (link)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's amazing how this election has educated people about the economy. Ron Paul's message is simple and yet comprehnsive. Awesome !