Sunday, November 25, 2007

Ron Paul discussed on Daily Kos

Daily Kos has a post on Ron Paul supporters' Tea Party which could raise millions. Since it's a largely liberal site, the comments show how Paul has attracted many liberals too. Some examples below.

But first here's what the article has to say about the Ron Paul movement:
"Put the Paul campaign in a test tube and study it. There are lessons here for insurgent netroots campaigns at all levels (not just Presidential). A $10 million one day take (which is nearly a third of Obama and Hillary's total fundraising in a single quarter), is perhaps the most remarkable online feat ever engineered in campaign history."

Selected comments:
  • "I said it on that day and I'll say it again: Paul's stance on Iraq - immediate and unconditional withdrawal - earned him a $4m dollar day. But the Dems, the ones I give money to and who I vote for - still cannot manage to come with a coherent witdrawal policy."(link).

  • "If Paul wins the primary, we Dems are going to have a serious problem."(link)

  • "We Dems aren't energising the grassroots? Why? I don't know. We just don't have the coherent message that Paul does. Until a Dem does, we have a problem!"(link)

  • "The question is does a third party run jeopardize the Republicans more or the Democrats? He seems to pull about equal numbers of both."(link)

  • "I personally know six Democrats that have registered as Republican in order to vote for Ron Paul in the primaries. Paul is for real, and he's sucking the most activist Dems right out of the party! If Paul wins the primaries we Dems are going to be on the wrong end of a rout."(link)

  • "..because of the frontrunners' vulnerability on the war, and particularly that of the establishment's golden girl, they had to taunt, mock, humiliate and marginalize the antiwar Democratic candidates. They succeeded all too well, and the whole basket of grassroots politically unconnected antiwar energy was handed to Paul.."(link)

  • "..i keep running into people so dishearted with the Dems that they are considering voting for RP.."(link)

  • "..I'm hoping that Ron Paul is the GOP's worst nightmare; he is pulling a lot of libertarian's and disaffected republicans into his growing support. From what I hear there is growing support amongst traditionally liberal democrats who are sick and tired of being triangulated on things like civil liberties.."(link)

  • "..We Dems aren't getting it. THERE IS NO FORMULA. The thing that draws millions for Paul in a day is his message, not a damn formula strategized by marketers!.."(link)

  • "It's not a formula. It's honesty. It's adherence to principles that are clearly and consistently articulated. I'm an independent who has been, for all intents and purposes, a democrat and I am leaning heavily towards RP. I can say without hesitation that if RP wins the R and Hillary wins the D I'm voting with the former..."(link)
Now, take these statements with a pinch of salt. It could be faked to make it look like Paul has more support. On the Internet, nobody knows you are a dog.

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