Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Ron Paul grassroots - what all they are doing

[Originally posted on Oct 24, 2007 at http://pramodbiligiri.livejournal.com/22284.html]

Both the grassroots and the Ron Paul official campaign have seen some major events in the past week. First he announced a big rise in 3rd quarter donations: 5 million. It was also a clever ploy to raise visibility before the upcoming FOX News debate, where he again won the SMS poll easily. FOX gives highly unequal time to the candidates that it looks like they already want the frontrunners to win.

The donation info is updated real time on a nice looking Flash widget. It shows the name and location of donors as they give. Promptly someone grabbed the data off their URL and created Ron Paul Graphs. Its developer explained its significance saying: "this is the first time this level of transparency has ever been applied to the finances of a political campaign".

Another volunteer effort is Ron Paul Radio, a 24-hour Internet radio station which plays his speeches and songs about him, with some RJ-ing. The commentary is not top notch but the passion is. Speaking of songs, boy are they increasing too! I enjoyed some on the radio station the other day.

Others are creating all kinds of billboard signs in a competitive frenzy. Here's a video showing the making of a really large sign in Phoenix. 2 people on Digg are even more resourceful.

I doubt the Net was anywhere this powerful for Howard Dean in 2004. If you have any interest in the Web, media and/or politics, don't miss out on observing this unique movement. There is a certain innocence, glee and pride in the Ron Paul movement which is due to a rare confluence of politics, economics and technology. And things are just beginning to hot up!

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