Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Ron Paul@Google

[Originally posted on July 16, 2007 at http://pramodbiligiri.livejournal.com/17252.html]

Ron Paul talks at Google as part of their Candidates@Google program where they invite Presidential candidates for an interview. This is definitely one of the better interviews I've seen of Ron Paul. Again he stresses the role of free markets in bringing down prices of services/goods, saying how health care and education in the US are becoming progressively more expensive because the Govt. tries to regulate them. As a counter-example, prices of other goods like electronic items keep going down.

Some of the stronger statements from this talk (I'm paraphrasing):

  • It's perfectly all right for Google to do business in China. Anyone opposing should reject Google products but not use Govt. to arm twist the company

  • Govt. need not make safety, gun-control laws. In their absence, multiple private initiatives will exist to make things better. Eg: Consumer Reports

  • The Afghanistan war was more to do with oil and gas pipelines than Al Qaeda (He kind of hints at this)

  • The US dollar will continue to quickly lose value unless the Federal Reserve stops "printing money" and the currency is backed by "hard assets"

  • The environment will be better if there is more respect for private property (He thinks the threat of global warming is overblown)

It's held in a relaxed, leisurely setting. The interviewer doesn't interrupt the guest every 30 seconds or so.

And no ad breaks!

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