Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Ron Paul's personality and political style win praise

Glenn Greenwald, political blogger at Salon first wrote about Ron Paul last week:

"..there is simply no denying certain attributes of Paul's campaign which are highly laudable. There have been few serious campaigns that are more substantive -- just purely focused on analyzing and solving the most vital political issues. There have been few candidates who more steadfastly avoid superficial gimmicks, cynical stunts, and manipulative tactics. There have been few candidates who espouse a more coherent, thoughtful, consistent ideology of politics, grounded in genuine convictions and crystal clear political values..."

Yesterday he rebutted someone's short sighted misinterpretation of Paul by quoting from his speech on the floor of the House. Though the issue itself is trivial, Paul's speech is worth reading in full:
"..First off, I think what we are trying to achieve through an amendment to the Constitution is to impose values on people – that is, teach people patriotism with our definition of what patriotism is. But we cannot force values on people; we cannot say there will be a law that a person will do such and such because it is disrespectful if they do not, and therefore, we are going to make sure that people have these values that we want to teach. Values in a free society are accepted voluntarily, not through coercion, and certainly not by law, because the law implies that there are guns, and that means the federal government and others will have to enforce these laws.."

In fact when I first heard of Paul sometime in May, I wrote:" ..his 15 minutes of fame will improve the quality of debate and put the focus on some core questions of the idea of US in an arena where personality and rhetoric rule."

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