Monday, November 19, 2007

Ron Paul jokes

Some Ron Paul supporters are creating jokes about the candidate and on the supporters themselves.

Here's a selection of Ron Paul jokes (link):

- What's the difference between Abraham Lincoln and Ron Paul?
Abraham Lincoln has already been shot.

- What's Ron Paul's favorite form of exercise?
An evening Constitutional.

Ron Paul began thinking about the problems in America. First, he thought about our involvement in foreign wars and the loss of American lives overseas, and he cried a tear. Then, he thought about our loss of liberties at home, and he cried another tear. That's why he's called a second-tear candidate.

(This one is my favourite)
Q: How do you know you are in a room with a Ron Paul Supporter?
A: He'll tell you.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for this. I am forwarding these jokes to my old high-school mate, David Letterman.

Have you ever thought about what the impact on India will be when Ron Paul is President?

Pramod Biligiri said...

You are welcome :)

I haven't spent much time thinking about his impact on India, but knowing his liking for free trade and civil liberties, I don't see any negative impact.

I'm guessing the bigger impact will be on civilian society and intellectuals, many of whom will encounter libertarian principles for the first time.